Meet our JRSOs
At Rendlesham we have 4 Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs). They support our pupils in
understanding why road safety is so important and what we can do to improve it in our
Our JRSOs lead assemblies to highlight road safety issues and encourage the safe use of roads. Assemblies have highlighted the Green Cross Code and how to be seen in the dark in the winter months when out and about in the village. On a Wednesday afternoon at school pick up time Theo, our JRSO lead, watches the road and users at the front of the school, praising good practice. Maybe you might have seen him supporting road safety around our school?
This week the JRSOs have taken a walk around the village to discuss how best to advise our pupils on road safety in the local community. One of the issues raised was speeding and they were really pleased to see the speedometer along Acer Road. They also discussed all the blind corners around the village and how important it is to find a good spot to cross the road with as much visibility as possible. They are currently organising a competition for the best road safety posters so that we can display them around the school and community. With the summer months now approaching, the next assembly is planned to discuss why it is so important to wear a helmet when cycling.
We really are proud of our JRSOs, who feel so passionately about road safety, highlighting
dangers and supporting us to be safe near the roads all year round.